Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Coffee Drinkers

Today was one of those days that God spoke to me through something very simple but it was so great that I really wanted to share it with you guys.

Anyone who knows me knows I cannot handle caffeine. I love drinking coffee but I always get decaf. This morning at work someone brewed a fresh pot of (caffeinated) coffee and despite my better judgment I decided to make myself a cup. It.was.delicious. About 20 minutes after I finished it I started getting fidgety. My hands were shaking on the keyboard, my heart was beating like I had just run a marathon…I felt like running a marathon. The girl I share an office with asked me for a piece of paper and I jumped up and threw it over the divider before she finished her question. It was at this point that I said to myself “ah, caffeine we meet again”. 

Romans 14 says:

 14 As for myself, I am perfectly sure on the authority of the Lord Jesus that there is nothing really wrong with eating meat that has been offered to idols. But if someone believes it is wrong, then he shouldn’t do it because for him it is wrong. 15 And if your brother is bothered by what you eat, you are not acting in love if you go ahead and eat it. Don’t let your eating ruin someone for whom Christ died. 16 Don’t do anything that will cause criticism against yourself even though you know that what you do is right.

You see, I know better than to drink caffeine. Before I had it this morning a little voice in my head was telling me it wasn’t a good idea and that if I chose to drink it, there would be consequences.  BUT just because I cannot handle caffeine does not mean other people can’t have it. If it’s bad for me I should not drink it, but just because I don’t drink it, does not mean I am free to judge those who do. They probably don't go crazy hanging from the ceilings after half a cup!

Obviously this spoke to me on a deeper level than just having caffeine. Sometimes as believers, we feel convicted by certain things and therefore, we do not do them. When we see other people doing those things we start to judge them on the scale of things WE see as wrong. God tells us not to judge. HE is the only righteous judge! What we see is on the outside but God sees the heart! Unfortunately so many lost people who finally decide to seek the Lord are completely repulsed and turn away from him because of the judgment that is cast on them as soon as they walk through the church doors!

Now here comes the hard part. Sometimes, even if what we are doing is ok (for example having a glass of wine), it can cause another believer to stumble. Say you have a friend who used to be an alcoholic. God has pulled them out of that and they are solely focused on pursuing him now! Amen! They come over to your apartment for dinner one night and you offer them a glass of wine. They decline because that used to be a stronghold for them. You have two options:
1. You have a glass of wine. What you are doing is totally acceptable, you are having one glass which is not enough to get you drunk.
2. Because you know your friend has been a slave to alcohol, you decide while he is over you will not drink.

Paul is saying because you love your brother (friend), help him, encourage him, don’t cause him to stumble even though what you’re doing is ok! By not having that glass of wine, you are showing your friend that you love and support them. You are putting him, before yourself! I love the way the Message version of this verse is worded, "Looking at it one way, you could say, “Anything goes. Because of God’s immense generosity and grace, we don’t have to dissect and scrutinize every action to see if it will pass muster.” But the point is not to just get by. We want to live well, but our foremost efforts should be to help others live well." (1 Corinthians 10:23-24)
Amen, right!! 

So, to recap…if it’s wrong to you, don’t do it. If you see others doing it, don’t judge them, it may not be something they are convicted of. If what they are doing is wrong, God will gently turn them in the right direction and put accountability in their lives to make sure they stay on the right track! Our job as Christians is to love others unconditionally, the way Christ does (John 13:35). And finally, if you know someone is struggling with something, don’t do it around them. Not because you have to abstain, but because you love them and want to see them succeed! I strongly encourage you guys to read through the whole chapter of Romans 14. It will take about 5 minutes and I promise, you won't regret it!

Just remember, no matter what season of life you are in, God loves you. As long as you are living, it is not too late to surrender your life to Him.

With Love,

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

12 more days!

Ben and I both made separate trips to Columbia to figure out our living situation and we finally found the perfect place for us. We have signed the lease and our official move day is August 4!

Our apartment is almost completely packed up....this reminds me of the days when we moved with the military. A familiar feeling I often miss.

God continues to provide for us. Though many times it is not a material thing, it is peace during a stressful moment or words of encouragement from just the right person.

There are moments in life, milestones, where something great happens. I believe this is one of those moments for us. We are being launched into full-time vocational ministry and I'm so glad we get to experience this together.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Learning to Trust God

        One thing this journey to Columbia is teaching me is the importance of trusting God. Trusting that He has a plan and that He has opened these doors for a reason. It's easy to become overwhelmed when you try to make things happen on your own timeline rather than His. This whole packing up and moving to follow God, although amazing, is completely new to me. I am such a planner, and this is HIS plan. He is writing this story. I'm learning to sit back and allow Him to take the lead. After receiving some disappointing news, I decided to spend the rest of the day relaxing. Shortly afterward, someone unexpected reached out to us and met a need that no one even knew about! Then, as He always does go above and beyond, through a friend we met someone in Columbia who is helping us find a place to live!
          It's amazing how just a few minutes in prayer changes everything. It changes your attitude towards a situation, and it allows God to be back in the center.We are very thankful for all of the prayers for us right now. Just wanted to tell you guys God is answering them! I know because before we can even ask for prayer about something, He has already supplied the need! 
          To give an update we are about 25% funded right now! We are so excited and expectant for what's to come. If you have any questions or want more information about joining our Financial Support team, you can contact us through Facebook!

With Love, 
Ben and Arlin Jett

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Preparing for the move

       In just a few short days, Ben and I will be announcing our move to friends and coworkers! We are so excited and just as we have been preparing physically over the last few months, we have also been preparing our hearts. We have known for quite some time that Birmingham would not be our final stop and are expectant to see what God is going to do in the coming months! 
       We are eight weeks away from moving and are currently focused on setting up our Financial Support Team. This is the next big piece of the puzzle that we will need to complete before moving forward. We are confident that our needs will be met as God is Jehovah-jireh, our Provider! We need about 48 people/families to commit to $50 a month in order for us to be fully funded. This will ensure that we are able to devote 100% of our time to reaching students!
        Most importantly, we ask that each of you would be in prayer for us as we embark on this journey. Each friend/mentor/parent is such a valuable member of our team! We love you guys and can't thank you enough for your encouragement!

With Love,
Ben and Arlin Jett

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Meet the Jett's

A little about us:
       Ben and I met at Church of the Highlands while we were serving middle and high school students on the Highlands Students team. From the beginning, I knew there was something special about him. Students always seemed to gather around him and were so at ease. Over the past 2 years I have watched him grow into the man he is today and it has been such a honor to witness. I know that God is going to use him to reach and change the lives of many.

About Arlin:
        I grew up in a military family. My dad is in the Navy and because of that, I have been able to see some incredible places and experience some amazing things! I love to travel and meet new people. I have a Certificate of Cosmetology from the Aveda Institute and enjoy doing hair on the side but my real passion is student ministry. My dream job would be speaking to young girls about purity and their worth.
       I'm madly in love with my husband! We have a big ole' 15 pound cat named Gheston. Beauty and the Beast may or may not be my favorite Disney movie. I love reading and am always looking for a good book!

About Ben:
       I was born in inner city Baltimore. Since then I have moved to several different states in the northeast until I landed in Alabama two short years ago. I never pictured myself living in the south but if I hadn't moved down here, I would not have been able to attend one of the best schools to prepare me as a leader and help me fulfill the plan God has for my life. I'm very passionate about student ministry and believe investing in youth is one of the best things that we can do!

       I'm so excited to be married to the most beautiful girl I know! I feel so blessed that I get to call her my wife. Family is incredibly important to me; I am very close to my three brothers and both of my parents. Some of my favorite memories are watching Ravens games with my family! I love to watch, collect, and talk about movies. Usually Arlin and I will sit around and watch them on a rainy day.         

We can't wait to meet and get to know everyone! We are so excited to start this new season!

With Love,
Ben and Arlin Jett